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The Brown Geeks Review Raji: an Ancient Epic

Introduction As an avid gamer I have come across many stories of epic fantasies and daring rescues that resemble the cultures of familiar western gods. Sure, there are many instances of games like Civ...

Book of Beasts: Mari Lywd

The skull of a mare, her mane replaced with ribbons, her eyes with glass baubles, floats in the air, a knightly caparison trailing behind like a funeral shroud as her jaws clack open and she recites, ...

Magic the Gathering 101

In 1993, Seattle-based gaming giant Wizards of the Coast — yes, the very same people who created the iconic tabletop RPG game Dungeons & Dragons back in the ’60s — came up with yet another classic...

Book of Beasts: Jólakötturinn

A black cat, as big as the house he’s peering in the window of, curses softly, “Meow! New socks!  New mittens! Why must these brats be so well dressed?” He stalks off across the snow, hoping for bette...

Book of Beasts: Fata Befana

An ancient black-gowned crone rides a broomstick, bearing a bag of toys and candies and a basket of coal. Around her shoulders, she wears a coat made of dead rats. Naughty or Nice?  A Befana...

Book of Beasts: Fata Lucia

A maiden in a white gown with a red sash wears a crown of green holly with red berries and seven blazing candles and bears a basket laden with saffron buns. Lussi Transfigured In winter, the Lussi Hag...

Book of Beasts: Fata Arie

An old auntie muffled in shawls, her blonde hair peeking out from under her headscarf, leans on a walking stick in the shape of a winged serpent, a ruby set in its forehead. On one arm her knitting ba...

Who Are The Fata?

Fata are always female, usually fey, can appear beautiful or ugly, young or old, and frequently come in trios. The similarities to hags and confusion with them is understandable, because of a secret t...

Book of Beasts: Yaksha

The Yaksha (or Yakshi, for the feminine form of the word) are reclusive and human-like spirits of nature who live in majestic kingdoms of the wild to protect the untamed forests, vast mountains, and f...

Book of Beasts: Lubay-Lubyok Mahanginun si Mahuyokhuyokan

Lubay-Lubyok Mahanginun si Mahuyokhuyokan is a beautiful maiden with deep brown skin and long dark, windswept hair, dressed in the finest silks made of clouds, stars, and the night sky. She is elusive...

Book of Beasts: Buto Ijo

The hulking green figure steps out from the smoke, their red eyes searching not for the one that seeks their service, but for the offerings laid before them. Satisfied with what they see, Buto Ijo gro...

Book of Beasts: Fey Lord, Sarimanok

A multicolored rooster with a fabulous tail suddenly grows in size, becoming the height of a man, then just as suddenly changes form, becoming a handsome prince, resplendently garbed, with a glorious ...

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Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.