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Author: Kevin Andrew Murphy

Book of Beasts: Berberoka

In the deep rivers and swamps, beneath the murky waters, lies the Berberoka – a swamp creature that has made many-a-traveler wary about traversing thick jungles spliced by complex river systems. Over the years, many eyewitnesses have given several descriptions of what a Berberoka might look like – all of them both right and wrong. This shapeshifting creature takes camouflage to a whole...

Book of Beasts: Bazil

The blood-filled calabash floats towards the colossal silk cotton tree with the Soucouyant in her true form trailing behind it. It lands next to the banana and bottle of dark rum brought by the Bacoo. She joins the leprechaun-like creature near the buttressed roots as they wait for Bazil to accept their offerings. A strong breeze passes through the night air in the forest, the leaves and branches ...

Book of Beasts: The Adarna

The Adarna is a fey creature that bears an affinity to the most beautiful of avian shapes. Capable of shifting from songbird to raptor, it can always be recognized by its striking plumage of many colors, looking like a rainbow in flight. A thoroughly tropical creature, the adarna enjoys the balmy days and cool nights of mountainous jungles, dining on the native fauna and flora depending on its giv...

Book of Beasts: Hin’nagami

A doll floats before you in a dream, beautiful as a perfect child, but her eyes brim with tears. “Oh please,” she whispers, “come play with me! I can give you anything you like! The old man who made me locked me away, but I will tell you where he keeps the key and the safe path into his house….” A hin’nagami, or doll spirit, is a doll possessed by a spirit of mixed desires: longing, regret, greed,...

Book of Beasts: Yeongno

A large, serpentine, small-horned dragon with a horse-like mane devours a delicious pig, or duck, wearing the clothing and hat of a high court official. A yeongno is a fallen celestial dragon desperate to get back into the good graces of the celestial bureaucracy. The typical task is for a yeongno to eat one hundred corrupt court officials before it will be admitted back to heaven. Ascended Wyrm A...

Book of Beasts: King Gambrinus

A merry bearded beer-bellied king, complete with crown and ermine cape, rides astride a beer barrel, bearing a beer glass in one hand and a stein in the other.

Book of Beasts: Mari Lywd

The skull of a mare, her mane replaced with ribbons, her eyes with glass baubles, floats in the air, a knightly caparison trailing behind like a funeral shroud as her jaws clack open and she recites, “The old grey mare is here, my dear! Please let us in and give us cheer!” Before her, covered with snow, lies an ancient grave. “I’m old and cold, so do not tarry,” a ghostly voice replies, “come in, ...

Book of Beasts: Jólakötturinn

A black cat, as big as the house he’s peering in the window of, curses softly, “Meow! New socks!  New mittens! Why must these brats be so well dressed?” He stalks off across the snow, hoping for better luck at the next house. Jólakötturinn, the Yule Cat, is the personal pet of the legendary ogress hag Grýla, mother of the Yule lads, a group of wildly deformed and strangely named trolls, and her th...

Book of Beasts: Fata Befana

An ancient black-gowned crone rides a broomstick, bearing a bag of toys and candies and a basket of coal. Around her shoulders, she wears a coat made of dead rats. Naughty or Nice?  A Befana knows the score about everyone — all their deeds, bad or good, and all their wants and desires. She doesn’t spread this about as idle gossip, but she does judge, sorting everyone into Naughty or Nice...

Book of Beasts: Fata Lucia

A maiden in a white gown with a red sash wears a crown of green holly with red berries and seven blazing candles and bears a basket laden with saffron buns. Lussi Transfigured In winter, the Lussi Hag leads a wild hunt, the Lussiferda or oskorei, her hunters consisting of the hungry dead, fiends, trolls, unseelie fey, and anyone they can snatch up. Some abducted by the Lussiferda are found mi...

Book of Beasts: Fata Arie

An old auntie muffled in shawls, her blonde hair peeking out from under her headscarf, leans on a walking stick in the shape of a winged serpent, a ruby set in its forehead. On one arm her knitting basket overflows with balls of yarn, ragdolls, stuffed animals, sweets, nuts, and purses filled with gold coins. She appears human except her feet, clad in carpet slippers, are duck feet. Veiled Vouivre...

Who Are The Fata?

Fata are always female, usually fey, can appear beautiful or ugly, young or old, and frequently come in trios. The similarities to hags and confusion with them is understandable, because of a secret too private for fata to even allude to and too dire for hags to ever admit: The two are related. Fata are the benevolent sisterhood to the sinister sorority of hags. The main difference is that where h...

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Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.