Author: Kevin Andrew Murphy

Book of Beasts: Buto Ijo

The hulking green figure steps out from the smoke, their red eyes searching not for the one that seeks their service, but for the offerings laid before them. Satisfied with what they see, Buto Ijo growls, “And who is my new master?” Horrifying Giant Almost as tall as a coconut tree, as strong as a giant, and as terrifying as any other denizen of Hell, Buto Ijo’s big round red eyes, pro...

Book of Beasts: Fey Lord, Sarimanok

A multicolored rooster with a fabulous tail suddenly grows in size, becoming the height of a man, then just as suddenly changes form, becoming a handsome prince, resplendently garbed, with a glorious cape and a fantastical crown. Monster Folklore: Sarimanok, the Rooster Prince, appears either as a handsome man in splendid raiment — always accessorized with an especially ostentatious hat, headdress...

Book of Beasts: Sering

A pretty green-haired wood nymph swings in the bower of a strangler fig tree, rocking the suspended remains of dead infants while singing a lullaby and nursing a living babe. Fruit bats dangle around her upside-down, happily munching her tree’s luscious figs. The sering, the dryad of the nunut strangler fig, is a loving mother who cannot abide the sound of a crying infant, living or dead. She...

A Conversation with ‘His House’ Screenwriters Felicity Evans & Toby Venables – Part 2

Yesterday we shared the first half of our interview with Felicity Evans and Toby Venables, screenwriters of Netflix’s new horror film His House. If you enjoyed that, then you’ll love to know what else they had to say about making the movie and working with the actors. Here’s Part 2 of our interview with them! KAM: I notice Matt Smith in the trailer, who of course I know as the Doctor. ...

A Conversation with ‘His House’ Screenwriters Felicity Evans & Toby Venables – Part 1

Earlier this month, we had the fortune of interviewing Felicity Evans and Toby Venables, screenwriters of Netflix’s new horror film His House, which is set for release on October 30. The shared tidbits about the process of making this film, the story behind it all, and more! Check out Part 1 of the interview below! Kevin Andrew Murphy: Hi Felicity and Toby! Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed by...

The Witches! The Witches! The Witches! (A Review)

I was a huge Roald Dahl fan when I was a child, reading all of his books I could get my hands on, even buying a copy of The Witches when it came out in 1983 when I was seventeen. I read it with great delight, then watched the movie adaptation when it came out in 1990 starring Angelica Huston as the Grand High Witch, despite the protests, and now the current movie recently released on October 22 on...

Book of Beasts: Utburd

High atop a desolate hilltop, on a night not fit for man or beast, a baby wails. The cry pierces the heart — alone, bereft, unwanted, and abandoned. The child cries, inconsolable. At first, the babe appears normal, except perhaps a cruel wound where its smallest finger has been cut away, but then it changes, swelling large as a boulder, becoming cold as the grave, hot as the desert, or wet as the ...

Book of Beasts: Hag – Pesta

A beautiful red-headed maiden, garbed in white, gaily waving a red scarf in one hand, an ashen-faced matron, with a grey hooded cloak, a red apron, a book, and a rake, or black-gowned crone wearing a red kerchief, bearing a broom. Rats frolic in her wake. Maiden, Mother, Crone. Pestas appear in one of three aspects: maiden, mother, or crone.  They transform from one to the other on the b...

Book of Beasts: Hag – Soucriant

The sad-faced old woman, her eyes red from tears, takes off her skin, placing it in a calabash, and then the bloody flayed horror shrinks into a floating ball of fire.  Anger, Bargaining, Depression Sometimes an old woman who has outlived everyone she ever loved — her husband, her children, her friends and relatives, wishes to bargain with Death. Sometimes Death accepts the bargain and s...

Book of Beasts: Hag – Cuca

A crocodile wearing a strawberry blonde wig and a hooded cloak reaches into her handbasket and pulls out a frightened child far too large to reasonably fit inside. “Naughty child soup!” she cries in delight, placing him in her cauldron. “Or soap? Which should I make? I can never decide!” Cloaked Dragoness A cuca’s cloak is magical, allowing her to hide or appear as any humanoid, fro...

Thank the Gods for “Ancestry & Culture” — Someone Finally Fixed Race for D&D

Every once in a while, a roleplaying game product comes along that makes you grateful for its existence because it fixes a game problem you’ve been having for years and you don’t have to write the house rules yourself. Eugene Marshall’s Ancestry & Culture from Arcanist Press is one of these products, Marshall fixing a problem in D&D 5e that goes all the way back to Advanced Dungeons & ...

Comic Con @ Home: RPG Round-Up

I’ve been attending San Diego Comic Con International since I was 18 eighteen, and I’ve been a professional RPG writer since I was 21 twenty one, doing many projects over the years, and I’m currently editor in chief for Savage Sign, the Savage Worlds gaming magazine.  For me the gaming room has always been a much-needed respite from the press of the Dealer’s Room and the crowds of the panels and p...

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