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Influencer Creators spotlight

Brown Geeks Spotlight – Sim Dhugga

How did you break into this industry? Thanks to my mom, actually. She’s always been my biggest advocate and is a firm believer in the idea that if you don’t tell people what you are trying to accompli...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Amrit Kaur’s Star Trek

Star Trek is a franchise lauded for its inclusivity and diversity. And it’s worked very hard at that, even when it’s occasionally stumbled. Since 1966, the science-fiction series has ...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Sujata Day

We sat down with the incredibly talented writer/director/actress/producer, Sujata Day (Insecure, Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl), to discuss her journey to getting her first indie feature film, D...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Tanaz Bhathena

Tanaz Bhathena is the author of Hunted by the Sky, the first of a YA fantasy duology set in a world inspired by medieval India, along with the acclaimed YA titles The Beauty of the Moment and A Girl L...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Tasha Suri

Interview with Tasha Suri Tasha Suri joins Brianna da Silva on the Females in Fantasy podcast to talk about EMPIRE OF SAND, her epic fantasy debut inspired by Mughal India. In this podcast, she explor...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Karan Brar

Not all heroes wear capes, and according to Hollywood, not all heroes are brown or black or queer or women even. Growing up, there weren’t really any characters in my favorite video games, TV sh...

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Empowering Creators.
Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.