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Comic Con

Robert Rodriguez and Latin Representation

Things on the big screen might seem to be diverse now. Or at least, getting more so. But it wasn’t always like that. It may be hard to imagine, but just 20 or so years ago, seeing Brown (much less, La...

Good Pop Culture, Great Mental Health During Covid

When we rang in the new year from our respective parts of the world, no one could have predicted that 2020 would bring with it a deadly pandemic, worldwide protests, and more. With all of that came ex...

Game Designers on Process and the Future of the Industry

In part 1 of our Comic Con 2020 panel on tabletop game design, the panelists talked about how COVID-19 affects their creative process and their playtesting. They also discussed the challenges of new d...

On Fandom and Friendship: The Enduring Legacy of Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is nothing short of a cultural phenomenon. The original 1990s manga spawned a multi-billion dollar franchise. Animes, movies, games, merchandise and much more. And it endures today because...

Comic Con @ Home: RPG Round-Up

I’ve been attending San Diego Comic Con International since I was 18 eighteen, and I’ve been a professional RPG writer since I was 21 twenty one, doing many projects over the years, and I’m currently ...

Scary Good TV: A Conversation with Horror’s Top Showrunners for Comic Con @ Home

Back in the day, horror reigned supreme on television with shows like Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, and Friday the 13th: The Series (which lacked a certain hockey-mask slasher). Ameri...

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Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.