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Move Over Elves… Here Come the Apsaras, Jinns, and Garudas

In Hindu mythology, there is a story about Skanda, the second son of Lord Shiva (“the Destroyer”) who took a look around the world and felt hopeless. Corruption, man-made disease, and hate...

Brown Geeks Top Picks in TV and Movies of 2020

This year saw excellent additions to geek TV and movies. And since we had to spend the past nine months indoors, this was very much needed. Whether it was tackling racism and Lovecraftian monsters or ...

Magic the Gathering 101

In 1993, Seattle-based gaming giant Wizards of the Coast — yes, the very same people who created the iconic tabletop RPG game Dungeons & Dragons back in the ’60s — came up with yet another classic...

My Top Sci-Fi & Fantasy Reads of 2020

I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy books every year, but every so often there’s a title that truly stands out in its ability to stir my soul and make me think. This year, six books hit these criteria ...

Behind the Festivity: The Significance of the Five Days of Diwali

Lights, sweets, gifts, and action! It’s that time of the year when people celebrate togetherness and dispel the darkness within them by lighting up diyas on every corner of the house. It’s that time o...

Challenging South Asian Stereotypes in Horror: Highlights from Our Chai and Cocktails Panel

All the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins couldn’t stop us from having a spooktacular time last month at our second Chai and Cocktails panel.  We were joined by Rajeev Dassani and Elan Dassani, the director...

4 Desi Horror Movies to Marathon This Halloween

There was a time when horror in Bollywood meant a dilapidated haunted mansion, mysterious women in white sarees, and monsters with bad prosthetics. And then there were the noughties, when a horror mov...

Game Designers on Process and the Future of the Industry

In part 1 of our Comic Con 2020 panel on tabletop game design, the panelists talked about how COVID-19 affects their creative process and their playtesting. They also discussed the challenges of new d...

On Fandom and Friendship: The Enduring Legacy of Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon is nothing short of a cultural phenomenon. The original 1990s manga spawned a multi-billion dollar franchise. Animes, movies, games, merchandise and much more. And it endures today because...

Comic Con @ Home: RPG Round-Up

I’ve been attending San Diego Comic Con International since I was 18 eighteen, and I’ve been a professional RPG writer since I was 21 twenty one, doing many projects over the years, and I’m currently ...

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Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.