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When the Nale Ba Knocks, Don’t Answer the Door

Western culture is full of references and content about witches. From Sabrina to Charmed to American Horror Story to even Game of Thrones. Well the world of Indian folklore and mythology also has its ...

The Horror That Kept Me Sleeping With A Nightlight

Horror. The thing that goes bump in the night. The reason you won’t ever let your right foot hang too far off your bed while you sleep. A nightlight to ward off the monsters lurking in your closet.  I...

Horror, Earthquakes, and What Horror Means to Me

Horror genres subvert the mainstream formulas of commercialized beauty, focusing on the dark underbelly of life itself. In an industry that propagates excess and luxury, horror lives on the blurred li...

Enemies Within or What Horror Means to Me

Gnarled, gloved fingers with razor blade tips blossom from the white bed linen. The hand yawns. The unsuspecting teenager, a baby-faced Johnny Depp, nodding off. Then… the hand snatches Depp, yanking ...

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Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.