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6 MP and its Effect on Anticancer Treatment


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6 MP and its Effect on Anticancer Treatment


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  • Perrywalton

    6 MP is a medication used to treat a variety of cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma. It is classified as an antimetabolite, a type of medication that works by interfering with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Mercaptopurine, when combined with other chemotherapy medications, can be extremely successful at killing cancer cells and decreasing tumors. It interferes with the DNA synthesis process in cancer cells, eventually leading to their demise. However, as with many drugs, mercaptopurine might have negative effects. These symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a low white blood cell count. Patients using mercaptopurine should be constantly followed by their doctor to ensure that they are tolerating the medicine properly.

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