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Brown Geek

Brown Geek Spotlight: Ritesh Rajan

For this week’s Brown Geek Spotlight we spoke to actor/performer Ritesh Rajan (Definition Please, Stitchers, Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures, Russian Doll, The Jungle Book) about his journey in Hollywood...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Lucia Marte AKA IsSheBlackorAzn

Popular makeup artist and cospainter, Lucia Marte, also known by her moniker “IsSheBlackorAzn” chats with Lohanne on The NerdMix podcast about her realistic yet glamorous takes on pop culture characte...

The Brown Geeks Virtually Play ‘Just One’ and ‘Codenames’

One of the most famous quotes in the board gaming scene comes from none other than Plato, who said: You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation. Still relativel...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Tanaz Bhathena

Tanaz Bhathena is the author of Hunted by the Sky, the first of a YA fantasy duology set in a world inspired by medieval India, along with the acclaimed YA titles The Beauty of the Moment and A Girl L...

Brown Geek Spotlight: Nick Sharma

A question I hear quiet often is how did you break into the animation industry? There are times when the entertainment industry can feel like this elusive being that’s too difficult to navigate or eve...

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Sci-fi and Fantasy from South Asia and Southeast Asia.